Know More About Mesothelioma
There are a lot of different types of cancer in the medical field, but one of the worst once ever known to man is mesothelioma, due to its lethality. This is mostly due to the fact that the main cause of mesothelioma is from extreme asbestos exposure, and the worst part about this is that asbestos is generally found everywhere, no matter what continent, country or state you may be in, including your workplace, your entertainment centers and worst of all, your home. In the late 1980's you can ideally find asbestos materials commonly used on flooring tiles, roof shingles, sidings, ceiling tiles, and even insulations. But there are also some newer houses in this current day and age that may also have asbestos materials as well, which is highly needed to be taken care of as soon as possible by every home owner so that they can lessen the chance of every resident to obtain mesothelioma.
Although mesothelioma is classified as a very rare form of lung cancer that is generally caused by major exposure to asbestos in homes due to the fact that almost every country all over the world are now trying to prevent it profoundly, it is still one of the most highly concerning type of lung cancer due to its hard to detect signs and symptoms. The most common signs or symptoms of pleural mesothelioma would typically include coughing, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, excessive sweating, unintentional weight loss, pain on the lower back area or side of the chest, the swelling of arms and face, hoarseness, and trouble swallowing of food.
The thing about mesothelioma is that its signs and symptoms can be easily associated to common diseases that can be easily cured. Worst of all, mesothelioma is also a type of cancer that would progress and develop throughout the years without any signs and symptoms showing up to affected individuals as well. The survival rate of mesothelioma patients is 38 percent for one year, which is basically calculated on how long the patient would last in the measurement of one to three and even five year increments. To learn more about mesothelioma, visit
The best way for mesothelioma patients to survive longer or get cured from mesothelioma is that they are needed to be diagnosed in the early stage of mesothelioma, preferable at its 1st stage. The main reason as to why mesothelioma is a very lethal cancer is that doctors would not be able to cure anyone due to the fact that they would diagnose their patients in the very late stages of the cancer. Read more reasons at